Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Man Utd running on empty. Exclusive transcript between Ferguson and Ronaldo revealed

Man Utd running on empty. Exclusive transcript between Ferguson and Ronaldo revealed

As we approach a week of hectic fixtures, Ferguson must be cursing his luck as the injury list continues to grow. Add to that the antics in Spain about Ronaldo?s apparent agreement to join Madrid at the end of the season, Ferguson must be scratching his head saying ?why now??

The next three games appear to be a defining moment of the season. I can see myself writing those words a number of times over the next few months, as every game should be treated as a cup final. Ferguson faces the next 3 games at least with little more than 14 1st team players available for selection.

First up are Bolton, a strong physical team who are by no means pushovers. We face them with Van Der Sar, Evra, Silvestre, Ferdinand, Scholes, Fletcher, Saha and Ole Gunnar Solskjaer all missing. Add to this the permanent absence of Larrson and the squad looks thin, worryingly thin.

We are lucky that we have an international break after playing Middlesbrough on Monday. This should give Ferguson enough time to nurse some of his stars back to fitness ready to push on for glory, particularly in the premiership. If ever we needed to dig in and get a result Saturday would be it.

More news has surfaced that Madrid are going to chase Ronaldo over the summer. Apparently they have a verbal agreement with the Portuguese superstar. The article in the Guardian points to instances where Real have poached their man before and even refer to Beckham. I think there is one important difference between the Beckham transfer and the potential Ronaldo sale and that is Ferguson?s desire to keep Ronaldo.

When Ferguson sold Beckham it was because he wanted him to go. Ronaldo on the other hand is a player Ferguson evidently wants to hang on to. The irony of this story is that the Madrid president reports that “All he needs to do is speak to Sir Alex Ferguson and publicly demand to leave.? Right then it must be a done deal then. Of all the managers I would want to go and see and express my desire to leave, Ferguson would be so far down the list the ink would have run out in my pen.

You could picture that conversation couldn?t you:
Ronaldo: Hi Mr Ferguson
Ferguson: Hi son
Ronaldo: You know Real Madrid are interested in me?
Ferguson: Yes, but you don?t want to move to them, you have everything you could possibly want here, isn?t that right?
Ronaldo: Yes but..
Ferguson: No buts son you love it here and are happy.
Ronaldo: But my agent said?
Ferguson: Agents smagents, don?t listen to them son, they?ll tell you anything. Now about that new contract we?ve been talking about..
Ronaldo: But Real Madrid?
Ferguson: I know, it?s heartbreaking to see what was such a great club going down the shitter, I have a lot of respect for them too son, but hey that?s football, theirs nothing you can do about it. Now that contract. Just pop your autograph down on here, there?s a good chap.
Ronaldo signs and leave the office.
Alex: Son? I?m glad we had this chat!
Ronaldo: Me too

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