Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Ronaldo v. C. Ronaldo v. Ronaldinho

Ronaldo v. C. Ronaldo v. Ronaldinho

This is going to get good. Christiano Ronaldo has been playing (althought in my opinions with a lack of objectivity) good matches and getting in the spotlight as the next #1 player in the world. Ronaldinho, although doing absolutely nothing in the past few months (or year) still seems to be considered #1 for a good amount of players, reporters and public in general. He seems to never leave the spotlight. And now comes Ronaldo. Ah, yes, the old, fat and slow Ronaldo. Or is he?

I guess Milan is giving Ronaldo a good shot of stimulation. He seems finally motivated to play his best soccer. Funny enough, lots and lots of money and even a World Cup could not do such thing. He has been fast, lost weight and scored 2 goals today, by the way!.So what is it then? What is this magic potion that made Ronaldo wake up and want to try to be the best once more? I’m open to suggestions on this one…

I don’t discard the chance of Ronaldo being the best again.

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